Det. Max W. Martin #01

Process Service
We Serve Subpoenas, Complaints and Court Orders in Central PA
Criminal Record
Find out if someone has a criminal record in PA or in any other State
Financial Assets Research
Subpoena and/or Court Order is required. (Exception: Child Support Cases)
Call (570) 550-0900
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Investigative Services

1) Criminal Defense Investigations
    (Public Defenders, Federal CJA Cases & Law Firms)

Assistance with gathering and preparing the raw material for trial or a hearing. Upon receiving assignment, Det. Martin will conduct a thorough case review and analysis. Det. Martin will not only read the entire discovery; but, review it and analyze it. He will attempt to identify flaws in police reports, check for discrepancies in supplemental reports, look for contradictions on witness statements and develop "leads" that can pinpoint omissions and errors in every prosecutorial document. Det. Martin will evaluate all information with rigorous scrutiny, dismissing bias and prejudice of any kind. He will critically evaluate all the facts of experience. Det. Martin will look for words and sentences that may indicate a police officer suggestibility in his/her writing of the police report, which in many cases make the police report (documentary evidence) contaminated by the officer's opinion, concept or personal view.

Det. Martin will also conduct a crime-scene inspection. He will not go to the crime-scene to uncover trace evidence, locate bloodstains, collect DNA or attempt to locate remains of a deceased. Instead, he will conduct a crime-scene inspection in an attempt to recognize, identify and re-construct the scene of the incident and compare it to all testimonial evidence and documentary evidence; evaluating whether or not all testimonial evidence corresponds with the scene. Det. Martin will take photographs, take measurements, make notes and identify possible things that could have obstructed the view of a witness. Det. Martin will compare the layout of the scene with the witnesses' claimed testimony and statements.

During the background investigation of all witnesses, not only will Det. Martin conduct a criminal background, but he will also conduct a reputational research of the witnesses within the community. He will then obtain written statements and/or affidavits from witnesses, generate investigative reports, and work with the public defender or private attorney on a work-product and case-packaging in preparation for trial and cross-examination.

Other services can include: evidence gathering; forensic investigation in the realm of cryptography applied to forensic acquisition and/or preservation of digital evidence, such as storage devices, photographs and video; evidence analysis; assistance in locating hard to find witnesses; and litigation support.

The bottom line is: Will the district attorney or prosecutor introduce his/her charges, indictment and prepare for trial without his/her team of police detectives? The simple answer is: No.

By bolstering your trial preparation through the addition of an experienced and qualified private detective, you drastically improve the chances of success in Court and introduce a counter defense investigation to ensure that the police investigation followed the law, that their report is exempt of any discrepancies, errors and/or omissions and that there was no negligence committed during their course of investigation. If Det. Martin has been retained to work in conjuction with a Public Defender or Private Attorney, he will conduct his entire investigation while enjoying the Attorney-client privileges for being an "Agent of the Defense Counsel" (See: United States v. Kovel - 296 F.2d 918, 922 - 2d Cir. 1961 and NXIVM Corp. v. O'Hara, 241 F.R.D. 109, 138 - N.D.N.Y. 2007). This ensures maximum confidentiality protections.

2) Homicide and Post-Conviction-Relief Cases (PCRA), Shooting-Related Cases, Sexual Assault, Aggravated Assault, Simple Assault, Drug-related Charges, Fraud, and Cyber Crimes

Det. Martin has worked in over 38 homicide cases in his career, which has allowed him to have extensive experience in the handling of Post Conviction Relief (PCRA) Cases for inmates currently being held on life-sentences for murder and other charges. Det. Martin has been assigned by County Public Defender's, Federal CJA-Appointed Certified Criminal Attorneys and Pool Attorneys chosen by the Public Defender's Office to assist them during the preparation of criminal litigations in light of State statutes, federal laws and law enforcement regulations in an attempt to pursue the appropriate investigative procedures during these trials. He has extensive experience, knowledge, and advanced proficiency on the writing of legal documents, affidavits, work-products and investigative reports.

3) Injury Lawsuits and Worker’s Compensation

Det. Martin has submitted confidential investigative reports, work-products and activity reports to the Courts and to legal adversaries on many civil cases. He has been cross-examined in Court during trials in many of these cases. He has provided attorneys and clients with the acquisition and preparation of affidavits, witness statements, chronology reports and photographs of surveillances conducted in the field. In his experience working on injury lawsuits, Det. Martin has located hard to find witness and obtained formal statements from them. These statements and affidavits are paramount to this type of civil cases. Det. Martin has worked for many reputable and large law firms specialized in injury lawsuits. Many of his cases have resulted in large compensations for the victims and clients. Det. Martin has also worked in the defense investigation of Supermarket Networks that were being sued by individuals claiming to have slipped and fallen. In the case of worker's comp, surveillance becomes the most relevant task. Det. Martin has over 5 thousand hours of documented surveillance experience. He has produced volumes of video footage and photographs for attorneys and clients. All photographs and video collected by him during surveillance are developed for presentation in Court along with an investigative report.

4) Divorce, Child Custody and Domestic Violence

In cases of a divorce or separation, child custody investigation can help make sure that the child involved stays safe. A parent or court may order a child custody investigator to determine what the child’s experience is like with a custodial or non-custodial parent. Investigations of parents sometimes reveal chronic neglect, child abuse, or parental alcoholism or drug abuse.

Det. Martin can find out whether a parent indulges in reckless driving, promiscuity, criminal activity, alcoholism, neglect, or other activities that may affect a child's welfare. Based on the information and evidence gathered, parents and Courts can determine how to ensure the child's safety. A private detective’s findings always have more credence in Court than a parents accusations, so if you have any suspicions, a qualified professional investigator is essential.

Det. Martin has also worked in many cases of alimony violation due to co-habitation and co-mingled assets. This is the type of case that demands both surveillance and a financial asset research.

Does your case involve simple assault, aggravated assault, emotional abuse, or terroristic threats?

Det. Martin can assist you in every phase of your case by working with you and your attorney.

Is there a false accusation of domestic violence and other charges?

Det. Martin can also assist you with a strong defense investigation. Do not appear in court as a defendant without having a defense and counter investigation into your case. Obtaining statements from witnesses, analysis of digital evidence (emails, text messages, social media, etc), photographs and video, all can be used in your favor or used against you.

5) Surveillance, Undercover Ops and Incidence Photography

Our surveillance investigations include the planning of the mission, the assessment and evaluation of resources and equipment, the reconnoitering and pre-surveillance of targeted areas and subjects, and interaction with Local and/or State Law Enforcement Agencies. By law, private detectives do not have to divulge the subjects of their surveillance to police. We only have to report to the local police station in person and notify them, during every tour of surveillance, that we will be conducting surveillance at a given perimeter. We are never under any obligation to inform them of our subject(s), targeted vehicle(s), house or building number in question.

Our obligation on the other hand is to inform them of the vehicle we are using, provide them with our private detective credentials and identification. Our surveillance involves both video and photo acquisition of subjects and report writing to the Courts of Pennsylvania. We use professional flagship Nikon DSLR cameras and top of the line lenses, the same used by most Police Departments in the country. We also use night vision capable camcorders with high definition optical zooms that can reach over 75 yards. If your case involves incidence photography, we have in our arsenal of equipment the most advanced Sekonic light meter on the market, to measure the light for perfect and accurate exposures, we also utilize a color-checker passport used in many crime scenes in order to capture accurate color renditions. Bottom line is: we comply with all the FBI crime scene photography guidelines and standards during the photo acquisition process and digital file preservation. Our practices are the same used by most certified forensic photographers. Although we have top quality professional gear, the quality of our investigations comes from many years of experience, unique set of skills and our commitment to excellence and accuracy. Det. Martin hates incompetence and refuses to work on investigations that do not involve his area of expertise. He will not hesitate to let you know when he cannot handle your case.

Our surveillance services cover injury lawsuit cases, infidelity cases, alimony, recurrent theft and vandalism, worker’s comp, and the watching of any subject: significant other, domestic partner, professional partner, children and/or parents, etc., in order to document and identify any of their contacts, interactions, associations or their whereabouts.

Read our solved cases section for many examples of successful surveillance cases.

6) Missing Person Cases

On average, more than 800,000 people are reported as missing and are entered into FBI's National Crime Information Center (NCIC) annually. Of these, 85%-90% are minors. These statistics do not include those who are unofficially missing such as those who have not been reported as missing persons.

One of the big problems with police-led missing persons searches is simply that the term missing persons is so narrow. Police will only begin looking for a missing child at a specific amount of time after the child was last seen and by that time, it may be too late if the child has been kidnapped by a pedophile or child killer. Police are also reluctant, due to thinning resources, to search for people who may have voluntarily left home or for those who live on the streets. Even in a police-led missing person search, police will stop looking after a certain amount of time and will declare the case a cold case.

Police do their best with the resources they have, but law enforcement simply is not equipped to deal with the crime rates today. Anyone who wants real answers fast needs to speak to a private investigator. A professional investigator will start looking for someone as soon as you feel uneasy and will continue to search as long as you are still looking for answers.

Det. Martin has had three successful missing person investigations. Two of his cases involved having to fly to Birmingham-ALABAMA and Cleveland-OHIO. You can read more about these cases on Det. Martin’s solved cases section.

7) Corporate Investigations

A corporate investigation is generally used to find out whether a business partner is legitimate, whether a potential business merger makes sense, or whether fraud or embezzlement is going on. While these are the most common types of company investigations. These cases can cover a wide range of topics, from intellectual property, to criminal inquiries to financial searches. It is all up to you and your business needs.

In today's world, information is often the difference between business success and failure. Due diligence investigations can ensure that your company is not heading towards a lawsuit. Corporate monitoring operations such as Internet monitoring, media monitoring, brand monitoring, and compliance audits can help ensure that your business continues to prosper. Intellectual property investigations and investigations of other companies help keep your competition in line and ensure that others are not taking advantage of your company.

Even for those who do not run companies, business checks and business investigations are crucial. We all rely on companies to keep our information safe and provide us with goods and services. A business investigation can ensure that the companies you entrust with your business are safe and effective. In some cases, corporate investigations can help you get the damages or compensation you are entitled to. You can also retain our services for an undercover investigation to determine if your employees or staff are following policies and procedures, if they are loyal to you and/or your company or to find out if they conduct themselves with honesty, integrity and diligence.

8) Cold Cases

Has law enforcement abandoned your case because of lack of resources, time and/or personnel to continue to investigate your case? Have they told you or your attorney that they did everything they could in your case?

The truth of the matter is that an investigation is not over until it is solved.

Nobody is more interested in having your case solved than yourself. That's why you should not let your unsolved case get even colder.

Hiring the services of a private detective can be expensive. That's why we recommend that you raise funds through various means: you can host a benefit dinner or lunch, you can raise funds through an online campaign, you can create a website and divulge your case in social media, etc. You can also open a bank account for your case.

You can then get some of these resources and retain the services of an experienced and competent private detective, of a reputable attorney and of any other expert. You can print flyers and set up teams to go in the field as well. Never lose your hope and never stop working on your case! Call for a consultation at (570) 550-0900.